See you all next year!
Friday, 16 July 2010
See you all next year!
Sunday, 11 July 2010
We finished the night with a water sponge throwing at the Group Leaders. It was payback time:)
Now we are getting ready for the final Spain-Holland. Fingers crossed!
We did mountain bikes with Javi, who can go backwards on the bike!! The climbing we did with Gonzalo, he climbs very well.
In the VIVAC we slept under the stars and played hide and seek in the forest. We had lots of fun looking for Jose and Luke with our torches.
The girls of group 9 (Andrea, Lucia, Irene B.U., Paloma, Guadalupe, Irene H. A., Carolina, Sofia and Aurora)
Saturday, 10 July 2010
Tonight we slept outside for the second time.
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Fran, Pedro and Javier (Group 10)
Then in the afternoon both groups got together and we organised a tea party. For many of us it was the first time we tasted tea like English people drink it - black tea with milk. And a cup of tea goes really well with the cookies.
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
We learned how to do chocolate crispy bites with Lizzie, our Group Leader. When we got to the dining room, she gave us the materials we needed. We melted the white chocolate, the golden syrup and butter. We added cereals and mixed everything together. You do the same process with black chocolate. After everybody mixed the two layers, we finish by putting in the fridge.
Bea, Andrea and Alejandra (Group 10)
In the first session we learned how to clim a wall. We need to wear a harness and a helmet. Then we get attached to a rope, so we could safely climb the wall.
The wall has many handles and this makes it easier. The Group Leader of climbing and also zip wire is Gonzalo. He teaches us and helps us to climb.
Yesterday we slept under the stars. We took our sleeping bag and mat. The sky was very beautiful and there were many stars in the sky.
When we got to a big clearing in the woods, we put the sleeping bag on top of the mat and got inside. The group leaders had guitars and we played some Beatles songs before going to sleep.
We woke up at seven o'clock and then we came back to the Hotel.
Carlos, Fernando, Álvaro and José (Group 10)
Monday, 5 July 2010
We are the boys of group 9.
We are in Cazorla, in the Hotel Rio, also known as La Teja. It is in the forest and surrounded by mountains. It is a very beautiful place.
Iván, Jorge, José, Virgilio, Javier and Henrique
While we did zip-wire we practiced the use of past perfect, zipping to Lizzie with the answer.
We also went cycling and actually learned the parts of a bike in english. We crossed a river and Fran found this an opportunity to show off his BMX skills.
We ended up the day learning a lot about England and about being English. For example, sometimes we see English tourists wearing socks with sandals. Do you know why?
Us, the younger ones, went on a nature trail and Luke told us a lot about wild life in the woods and ways of preserving the environment. We learned that we can enjoy nature if we take care of it.
These are some pictures of the Crazy Olympics. It was very close but despite some controversy team A ended up winning:)
All in all, we had a great time!
Saturday, 3 July 2010
But no doubt the highlight of the day was the football match. We all got together and watched it in a giant screen. We suffered but it was worth it. We celebrated a great victory and nothing better to finish the day than going to the disco.
We leave you today with some pictures of the match and the disco that followed.