I am Coadekin, the Camp's Mascote and in this blog me and your children will try to keep you updated on how are we doing in the Camp.
Yesterday we arrived after 6 hours on the bus. We were tired but happy to be here. After a nice meal to recover some strength, we spent the afternoon finding our rooms, unpacking and getting familiar with the facilities. It is called Hotel Rio Arroyo de la Teja and is a wonderful place. We will tell you more about this in the next few days. After dinner, the Group Leaders welcomed everybody in a general meeting.
Today we woke up all excited because we were starting the activities. We started with an assessment exam. Then we did an orienteering game to get to know the surroundings. We were organised in teams and the winner was a group called "The Best". And they were actually the best (at orienteering).
In the afternoon some of us went to play English games in the swimming pool while the others went climbing.
It was really good fun. The weather was generally sunny and very pleasant but we also had some showers this afternoon. Luckily it was snack time and we were indoors.
The sun came back soon afterwards and were able to finish the activities that we had planned for the day, which finished with an "activity bingo" and a "dressing up session"
We went to bed very excited in antecipation of tomorrow's activities and, in particular, tomorrow's match.